Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql> mysql> use zabbix; Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Database changed mysql>
mysql> Alter table history_text drop primary key, add index (id), drop index history_text_2, add index history_text_2 (itemid, id); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.49 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> Alter table history_log drop primary key, add index (id), drop index history_log_2, add index history_log_2 (itemid, id); Query OK, 0 rows affected (2.71 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
--增加分区的存储过程 DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_create`(SCHEMANAME varchar(64), TABLENAME varchar(64), PARTITIONNAME varchar(64), CLOCK int) BEGIN /* SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table with partitions to potentially delete PARTITIONNAME = The name of the partition to create */ /* Verify that the partition does not already exist */
DECLARE RETROWS INT; SELECT COUNT(1) INTO RETROWS FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND partition_description >= CLOCK;
IF RETROWS = 0 THEN /* 1. Print a message indicating that a partition was created. 2. Create the SQL to create the partition. 3. Execute the SQL from #2. */ SELECT CONCAT( "partition_create(", SCHEMANAME, ",", TABLENAME, ",", PARTITIONNAME, ",", CLOCK, ")" ) AS msg; SET @sql = CONCAT( 'ALTER TABLE ', SCHEMANAME, '.', TABLENAME, ' ADD PARTITION (PARTITION ', PARTITIONNAME, ' VALUES LESS THAN (', CLOCK, '));' ); PREPARE STMT FROM @sql; EXECUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;
--删除分区的存储过程 DELIMITER $$ CREATE PROCEDURE `partition_drop`(SCHEMANAME VARCHAR(64), TABLENAME VARCHAR(64), DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE BIGINT) BEGIN /* SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table with partitions to potentially delete DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE = Delete any partitions with names that are dates older than this one (yyyy-mm-dd) */ DECLARE done INT DEFAULT FALSE; DECLARE drop_part_name VARCHAR(16);
/* Get a list of all the partitions that are older than the date in DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE. All partitions are prefixed with a "p", so use SUBSTRING TO get rid of that character. */ DECLARE myCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT partition_name FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND CAST(SUBSTRING(partition_name FROM 2) AS UNSIGNED) < DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = TRUE;
/* Create the basics for when we need to drop the partition. Also, create @drop_partitions to hold a comma-delimited list of all partitions that should be deleted. */ SET @alter_header = CONCAT("ALTER TABLE ", SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME, " DROP PARTITION "); SET @drop_partitions = "";
/* Start looping through all the partitions that are too old. */ OPEN myCursor; read_loop: LOOP FETCH myCursor INTO drop_part_name; IF done THEN LEAVE read_loop; END IF; SET @drop_partitions = IF(@drop_partitions = "", drop_part_name, CONCAT(@drop_partitions, ",", drop_part_name)); END LOOP; IF @drop_partitions != "" THEN /* 1. Build the SQL to drop all the necessary partitions. 2. Run the SQL to drop the partitions. 3. Print out the table partitions that were deleted. */ SET @full_sql = CONCAT(@alter_header, @drop_partitions, ";"); PREPARE STMT FROM @full_sql; EXECUTE STMT; DEALLOCATE PREPARE STMT;
SELECT CONCAT(SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME) AS `table`, @drop_partitions AS `partitions_deleted`; ELSE /* No partitions are being deleted, so print out "N/A" (Not applicable) to indicate that no changes were made. */ SELECT CONCAT(SCHEMANAME, ".", TABLENAME) AS `table`, "N/A" AS `partitions_deleted`; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;
/* * Check if any partitions exist for the given SCHEMANAME.TABLENAME. */ SELECT COUNT(1) INTO RETROWS FROM information_schema.partitions WHERE table_schema = SCHEMANAME AND table_name = TABLENAME AND partition_name IS NULL;
/* * If partitions do not exist, go ahead and partition the table */ IF RETROWS = 1 THEN /* * Take the current date at 00:00:00 and add HOURLYINTERVAL to it. This is the timestamp below which we will store values. * We begin partitioning based on the beginning of a day. This is because we don't want to generate a random partition * that won't necessarily fall in line with the desired partition naming (ie: if the hour interval is 24 hours, we could * end up creating a partition now named "p201403270600" when all other partitions will be like "p201403280000"). */ SET FUTURE_TIMESTAMP = TIMESTAMPADD(HOUR, HOURLYINTERVAL, CONCAT(CURDATE(), " ", '00:00:00')); SET PARTITION_NAME = DATE_FORMAT(CURDATE(), 'p%Y%m%d%H00');
There are a couple more steps that need to be done on the Zabbix Web UI on 2.2.x (or the zabbix_server.conf file in the case of Zabbix 2.0.x) to shut off housekeeping on the history/trend tables.
Zabbix 2.0.x(这个版本的直接关闭所有Housekeeper功能即可)
For those of you still stuck using the 2.0.x series of Zabbix there is no way to disable specific functionality of the housekeeper. You will have to disable the housekeeper entirely. This can be done by setting the "DisableHousekeeping" parameter in zabbix_server.conf to "1". You then need to restart the zabbix_server process. Keep in mind that with the housekeeper disabled, data in the "housekeeper" table in the database will never be removed. Also, old events, audit entries, and user sessions will never be deleted automatically.
Zabbix 2.2.x(这个版本关闭部分Housekeeper功能即可)
Zabbix 2.2 introduced more granular control over the housekeeper. All of the options are available in the Zabbix UI in the "Administration" -> "General" section. Make sure you select "Housekeeping" in the drop-down in the upper right. You should see a screen similar to the following: Make sure that the checkboxes with the title "Enable internal housekeeping" are unchecked for both History and Trends. Make sure that the checkboxes with the title "Override item period" are checked for both History and Trends. Set the "Data storage period (in days)" box for history and trends to the amount of time you are retaining both. In the examples that were given, the correct values are 28 and 730 (as seen in the screenshot).
--四个主要存储过程 partition_create - This will create a partition on the given table in the given schema. partition_drop - This will drop partitions older than the given timestamp on the given table in the given schema. partition_maintenance - This function is what is called by users. It is responsible for parsing the given parameters and then creating/dropping partitions as needed. partition_verify - Checks if partitioning is enabled on the given table in the given schema. If it is not enable, it creates a single partition. --四个存储过程参数解释 partition_create
SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table on which to create PARTITIONNAME PARTITIONNAME = The name of the partition to create CLOCK = PARTITIONNAME will be created to hold values with a "clock" column value less than this
SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table on which to delete PARTITIONNAME DELETE_BELOW_PARTITION_DATE = The oldest partition date to allow. All partitions older than this date will be deleted. The format is yyyymmdd.
SCHEMA_NAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLE_NAME = The table on which to make changes KEEP_DATA_DAYS = The maximum number of days worth of partitions to keep. All partitions older than this number of days will be deleted. HOURLY_INTERVAL = The hourly interval between partitions. For example, daily partitioning would have a value of 24, hourly partitioning would have a value of 1. CREATE_NEXT_INTERVALS = The number of intervals worth of partitions to create in advance.
SCHEMANAME = The DB schema in which to make changes TABLENAME = The table on which to check for partitions HOURLY_INTERVAL = The hourly interval between partitions. For example, daily partitioning would have a value of 24, hourly partitioning would have a value of 1.