本篇文章为大家展示了Linux ntpdate slew模式调整时间是怎么样的,内容简明扼要并且容易理解,绝对能使你眼前一亮,通过这篇文章的详细介绍希望你能有所收获。
成都创新互联公司-云计算及IDC服务提供商,涵盖公有云、IDC机房租用、温江服务器托管、等保安全、私有云建设等企业级互联网基础服务,联系热线:18980820575 ntpdate slew模式微调时间crontab,参考
[hostname]# crontab -l
* * * * * /usr/sbin/ntpdate
-B xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 1>>/tmp/ntpdate.log 2>&1
-B参数的意思 Force the time to always be slewed using the adjtime() system call, even if the measured
offset is greater than +-500 ms. The default is to step the time using settimeofday() if
the offset is greater than +-500 ms. Note that, if the offset is much greater than +-500
ms in this case, that it can take a long time (hours) to slew the clock to the correct
value. During this time. the host should not be used to synchronize clients.
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