OGNL,全称为Object-Graph Navigation Language,它是一个功能强大的表达式语言,用来获取和设置Java对象的属性,它旨在提供一个更高的更抽象的层次来对Java对象图进行导航。
方法调用(method invoke)
public class OGNL1 { public static void main(String[] args) { /* 创建一个Person对象 */ Person person = new Person(); person.setName("zhangsan"); try { /* 从person对象中获取name属性的值 */ Object value = Ognl.getValue("name", person); System.out.println(value); } catch (OgnlException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class Person { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } }
public staticT getValue(String expression,Object root)throws OgnlException Convenience method that combines calls to parseExpression and getValue. Parameters: expression - the OGNL expression to be parsed root - the root object for the OGNL expression Returns: the result of evaluating the expression
public class OGNL1 { public static void main(String[] args) { /* 创建一个上下文Context对象,它是用保存多个对象一个环境 对象 */ Mapcontext = new HashMap (); Person person1 = new Person(); person1.setName("zhangsan"); Person person2 = new Person(); person2.setName("lisi"); Person person3 = new Person(); person3.setName("wangwu"); /* person4不放入到上下文环境中 */ Person person4 = new Person(); person4.setName("zhaoliu"); /* 将person1、person2、person3添加到环境中(上下文中) */ context.put("person1", person1); context.put("person2", person2); context.put("person3", person3); try { /* 获取根对象的"name"属性值 */ Object value = Ognl.getValue("name", context, person2); System.out.println("ognl expression \"name\" evaluation is : " + value); /* 获取根对象的"name"属性值 */ Object value2 = Ognl.getValue("#person2.name", context, person2); System.out.println("ognl expression \"#person2.name\" evaluation is : " + value2); /* 获取person1对象的"name"属性值 */ Object value3 = Ognl.getValue("#person1.name", context, person2); System.out.println("ognl expression \"#person1.name\" evaluation is : " + value3); /* 将person4指定为root对象,获取person4对象的"name"属性,注意person4对象不在上下文中 */ Object value4 = Ognl.getValue("name", context, person4); System.out.println("ognl expression \"name\" evaluation is : " + value4); /* 将person4指定为root对象,获取person4对象的"name"属性,注意person4对象不在上下文中 */ Object value5 = Ognl.getValue("#person4.name", context, person4); System.out.println("ognl expression \"person4.name\" evaluation is : " + value5); /* 获取person4对象的"name"属性,注意person4对象不在上下文中 */ // Object value6 = Ognl.getValue("#person4.name", context, person2); // System.out.println("ognl expression \"#person4.name\" evaluation is : " + value6); } catch (OgnlException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class Person { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } }
ognl expression "name" evaluation is : lisi ognl expression "#person2.name" evaluation is : lisi ognl expression "#person1.name" evaluation is : zhangsan ognl expression "name" evaluation is : zhaoliu ognl.OgnlException: source is null for getProperty(null, "name") at ognl.OgnlRuntime.getProperty(OgnlRuntime.java:2296) at ognl.ASTProperty.getValueBody(ASTProperty.java:114) at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateGetValueBody(SimpleNode.java:212) at ognl.SimpleNode.getValue(SimpleNode.java:258) at ognl.ASTChain.getValueBody(ASTChain.java:141) at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateGetValueBody(SimpleNode.java:212) at ognl.SimpleNode.getValue(SimpleNode.java:258) at ognl.Ognl.getValue(Ognl.java:494) at ognl.Ognl.getValue(Ognl.java:596) at ognl.Ognl.getValue(Ognl.java:566) at com.beliefbetrayal.ognl.OGNL1.main(OGNL1.java:53)
public class OGNL2 { public static void main(String[] args) { /* OGNL提供的一个上下文类,它实现了Map接口 */ OgnlContext context = new OgnlContext(); People people1 = new People(); people1.setName("zhangsan"); People people2 = new People(); people2.setName("lisi"); People people3 = new People(); people3.setName("wangwu"); context.put("people1", people1); context.put("people2", people2); context.put("people3", people3); context.setRoot(people1); try { /* 调用 成员方法 */ Object value = Ognl.getValue("name.length()", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("people1 name length is :" + value); Object upperCase = Ognl.getValue("#people2.name.toUpperCase()", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("people2 name upperCase is :" + upperCase); Object invokeWithArgs = Ognl.getValue("name.charAt(5)", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("people1 name.charAt(5) is :" + invokeWithArgs); /* 调用静态方法 */ Object min = Ognl.getValue("@java.lang.Math@min(4,10)", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("min(4,10) is :" + min); /* 调用静态变量 */ Object e = Ognl.getValue("@java.lang.Math@E", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("E is :" + e); } catch (OgnlException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } class People { private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } }
people1 name length is :8 people2 name upperCase is :LISI people1 name.charAt(5) is :s min(4,10) is :4 E is :2.718281828459045
public class OGNL3 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OgnlContext context = new OgnlContext(); Classroom classroom = new Classroom(); classroom.getStudents().add("zhangsan"); classroom.getStudents().add("lisi"); classroom.getStudents().add("wangwu"); classroom.getStudents().add("zhaoliu"); classroom.getStudents().add("qianqi"); Student student = new Student(); student.getContactWays().put("homeNumber", "110"); student.getContactWays().put("companyNumber", "119"); student.getContactWays().put("mobilePhone", "112"); context.put("classroom", classroom); context.put("student", student); context.setRoot(classroom); /* 获得classroom的students集合 */ Object collection = Ognl.getValue("students", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("students collection is :" + collection); /* 获得classroom的students集合 */ Object firstStudent = Ognl.getValue("students[0]", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("first student is : " + firstStudent); /* 调用集合的方法 */ Object size = Ognl.getValue("students.size()", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("students collection size is :" + size); System.out.println("--------------------------飘逸的分割线--------------------------"); Object mapCollection = Ognl.getValue("#student.contactWays", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("mapCollection is :" + mapCollection); Object firstElement = Ognl.getValue("#student.contactWays['homeNumber']", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("the first element of contactWays is :" + firstElement); System.out.println("--------------------------飘逸的分割线--------------------------"); /* 创建集合 */ Object createCollection = Ognl.getValue("{'aa','bb','cc','dd'}", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println(createCollection); /* 创建Map集合 */ Object createMapCollection = Ognl.getValue("#{'key1':'value1','key2':'value2'}", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println(createMapCollection); } } class Classroom { private Liststudents = new ArrayList (); public List getStudents() { return students; } public void setStudents(List students) { this.students = students; } } class Student { private Map contactWays = new HashMap (); public Map getContactWays() { return contactWays; } public void setContactWays(Map contactWays) { this.contactWays = contactWays; } }
students collection is :[zhangsan, lisi, wangwu, zhaoliu, qianqi] first student is : zhangsan students collection size is :5 --------------------------飘逸的分割线-------------------------- mapCollection is :{homeNumber=110, mobilePhone=112, companyNumber=119} the first element of contactWays is :110 --------------------------飘逸的分割线-------------------------- [aa, bb, cc, dd] {key1=value1, key2=value2}
public class OGNL4 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { OgnlContext context = new OgnlContext(); Humen humen = new Humen(); humen.setName("qiuyi"); humen.setSex("n"); humen.setAge(22); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("zhangsan" , "n" , 22)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("lisi" , "f" , 21)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("wangwu" , "n" , 23)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("zhaoliu" , "n" , 22)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("qianqi" , "n" , 22)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("sunba" , "f" , 20)); humen.getFriends().add(new Humen("yangqiu" , "f" , 25)); context.put("humen", humen); context.setRoot(humen); /* OGNL过滤集合的语法为:collection.{? expression} */ Object filterCollection = Ognl.getValue("friends.{? #this.name.length() > 7}", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("filterCollection is :" + filterCollection); System.out.println("--------------------------飘逸的分割线--------------------------"); /* OGNL投影集合的语法为:collection.{expression} */ Object projectionCollection = Ognl.getValue("friends.{name}", context, context.getRoot()); System.out.println("projectionCollection is :" + projectionCollection); } } class Humen { private String name; private String sex; private int age; private Listfriends = new ArrayList (); public Humen() { } public Humen(String name , String sex , int age) { this.name = name; this.sex = sex; this.age = age; } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } public String getSex() { return sex; } public void setSex(String sex) { this.sex = sex; } public int getAge() { return age; } public void setAge(int age) { this.age = age; } public List getFriends() { return friends; } public void setFriends(List friends) { this.friends = friends; } @Override public String toString() { return "Humen [name=" + name + ", sex=" + sex + ", age=" + age + "]"; } }
filterCollection is :[Humen [name=zhangsan, sex=n, age=22]] --------------------------飘逸的分割线-------------------------- projectionCollection is :[zhangsan, lisi, wangwu, zhaoliu, qianqi, sunba, yangqiu]
OGNL可以对集合进行过滤与投影操作,过滤的语法为collection.{? expression},其中使用"#this"表示集合当前对象(可以与for-each循环比较)。投影的语法为collection.{expression}。投影和过滤可以看做是数据库中对表取列和取行的操作。
Struts 2支持以下几种表达式语言: |
在Struts2标签属性中经常会出现"#"或者"%{}"的符号出现,通过上面OGNL表达式基础的介绍,知道了OGNL上下文中有且仅有一个根对象。Struts2为我们定义了许多明明对象,他们分别是"ValueStack","Parameters","Session","Request", "Appliction","Attr",其中"ValueStack"被设置为上下文的根对象。访问非根对象必须加上"#"号,这就是出现"#"的原因。Struts2中的标的处理类,并不是所有都将标签的属性作为OGNL表达式来看待,有时候我们需要设置动态地值,则必须告诉标签的处理类该字符串按照OGNL表达式来处理,%{}符号的作用就是告诉标签的处理类将它包含的字符串按照OGNL表达式处理。 "$"符号用于XML文件中用于获取动态值,与%{}作用类似。
ValueStack allows multiple beans to be pushed in and dynamic EL expressions to be evaluated against it. When evaluating an expression, the stack will be searched down the stack, from the latest objects pushed in to the earliest, looking for a bean with a getter or setter for the given property or a method of the given name (depending on the expression being evaluated).
username:<%= ((HelloWorldAction)ActionContext.getContext().getValueStack().peek()).getUsername() %>
username:zhangsan -------------------诡异的分割线------------------- username:zhangsan