1.排序和比较操作 : Sort order in queries using ORDER BY or the standard comparison operators on textual data
2.内置函数 : The upper, lower, and initcap functions
3.模式匹配 : Pattern matching operators (LIKE, SIMILAR TO, and POSIX-style regular expressions); locales affect both case insensitive matching and the classification of characters by character-class regular expressions
4.to_char相关函数 : The to_char family of functions
5.LIKE能否使用索引 : The ability to use indexes with LIKE clauses
postgres=# SELECT name FROM unnest(ARRAY['MYNAME', ' my_name', 'my-image.jpg', 'my-third-image.jpg']) name ORDER BY name collate "C"; name -------------------- my_name MYNAME my-image.jpg my-third-image.jpg (4 rows) postgres=# SELECT name FROM unnest(ARRAY['MYNAME', ' my_name', 'my-image.jpg', 'my-third-image.jpg']) name ORDER BY name collate "zh_CN"; name -------------------- my-image.jpg my_name MYNAME my-third-image.jpg (4 rows)
postgres=# SELECT name FROM unnest(ARRAY['MYNAME1', ' my_name2', 'my-image.jpg', 'my-third-image.jpg']) name ORDER BY name collate "zh_CN"; name -------------------- my-image.jpg MYNAME1 my_name2 my-third-image.jpg (4 rows) postgres=# SELECT name FROM unnest(ARRAY['myname1', ' myname2', 'myimage.jpg', 'mythirdimage.jpg']) name ORDER BY name collate "zh_CN"; name ------------------ myimage.jpg myname1 myname2 mythirdimage.jpg (4 rows)
The behavior of each collation comes from the operating system’s own
libc, except for the C collation, which is based on the ordering
implied by strcmp() comparisons. Generally, most implementations have
the behavior you describe, in that they assign least weight of all to
caseness and whitespace, and somewhat more weight to punctuation. I
don’t think that there is much that can be done about it in practice,
though in principal there could be a collation that has all the
properties you want.
postgres=# select initcap('élysée' collate "C"); initcap --------- éLyséE (1 row) postgres=# select initcap('élysée' collate "fr_FR"); initcap --------- Élysée (1 row)
postgres=# select initcap('a' collate "zh_CN"); initcap --------- A (1 row) postgres=# select initcap('a' collate "C"); initcap --------- a (1 row)
postgres=# select 'élysée' ~ '^\w+$' collate "fr_FR"; ?column? ---------- t (1 row) postgres=# select 'élysée' COLLATE "C" ~ '^\w+$'; ?column? ---------- f (1 row)
postgres=# CREATE TABLE t_sort ( postgres(# a text COLLATE "zh_CN", postgres(# b text COLLATE "C"); CREATE TABLE postgres=# postgres=# INSERT INTO t_sort SELECT md5(n::text), md5(n::text) postgres-# FROM generate_series(1, 1000000) n; INSERT 0 1000000 postgres=# CREATE INDEX ON t_sort USING btree (a); CREATE INDEX postgres=# CREATE INDEX ON t_sort USING btree (b); CREATE INDEX postgres=# ANALYZE t_sort; ANALYZE postgres=# SELECT * FROM t_sort LIMIT 2; a | b ----------------------------------+---------------------------------- c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b | c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c | c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c (2 rows) postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM t_sort WHERE a LIKE 'c4ca4238a0%'; QUERY PLAN --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gather (cost=1000.00..18564.33 rows=100 width=66) Workers Planned: 2 -> Parallel Seq Scan on t_sort (cost=0.00..17554.33 rows=42 width=66) Filter: (a ~~ 'c4ca4238a0%'::text) (4 rows) postgres=# explain SELECT * FROM t_sort WHERE b LIKE 'c4ca4238a0%'; QUERY PLAN ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Index Scan using t_sort_b_idx on t_sort (cost=0.42..8.45 rows=100 width=66) Index Cond: ((b >= 'c4ca4238a0'::text) AND (b < 'c4ca4238a1'::text)) Filter: (b ~~ 'c4ca4238a0%'::text) (3 rows)