perhaps you are looking at this article is also confusing the question: my website, my article why not baidu included it? In beijing website construction, was collected or not included, the reason is there are many kinds of. A lot of people said that the site should have the content, the text picture a big, why the quality can not catch up with the standard baidu included? Is very simple, and that is your website content did not do a timely update, and the content of the website is not good enough. The original is very important, on this website I also emphasized the many times, no one like the original, who do not like to watch others copy paste over the pseudo original, baidu search engine is so, it is very powerful, it will identify what is the content of high quality. A new web site is need not you from search engine moved much of the content, it needs only to columns related to add several pieces of high quality content, first of all the content is not copied from others, this can be considered is website content. Web site optimization is the search engine from the beginning.
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